True healing begins with healing the inner child. Our thoughts, perceptions, attachment style, and communication patterns are all shaped by our first experiences with our caregivers and experiences we’ve had along the way. When we begin to get curious about these early patterns, we often notice this default programming is not in alignment with who we are and creates barriers to who we truly want to be and how we want to show up in the world.

As we begin to understand how the past shows up in the present and shatter old belief systems, we become free to show up as our authentic selves and deepen our connections to others. Reparenting allows us to love our inner child by giving ourselves what we needed and heal within our adult relationships. 

You might be interested in this course if:

You notice patterns in your family of origin you don't want to continue in your own family

You have a critical, judgmental inner voice that often creates a lot of self-blame and self-criticism

You want to show up in your relationships with more compassion but instead feel reactive

You know the way you want to parent, but for some reason always end up yelling or frustrated.

In this course Megan will cover reparenting and how it relates to:

Boundary setting
Developing a more compassionate inner voice

Also included:

Exercises to help reparent yourself
Self-soothing exercises
Reflection questions
Journal Prompts

Learn to reparent yourself and change how you show up in your parenting...

Example Curriculum